A trademark (or service mark) is a word, slogan, design or any combination used to identify and distinguish the goods or services of one party from those of others in the marketplace. For example, the bitten apple on Apple’s Macintosh computers helps consumers distinguish Apple’s computers from those of Dell’s. Likewise, the McDonald’s golden arches help diners distinguish McDonald’s restaurants from those of Burger King’s.
Trademarks and Business Licensing
Why are trademarks important to businesses? Since a trademark is a type of intellectual property, it can be licensed or assigned to others for a fee. A company can make a substantial amount of revenue by licensing their marks, especially if they own popular trademarks. If a shirt company wants to create shirts with the Duke logo, it must first obtain a license from Duke University.
If you have questions about trademarks in general, trademark licensing and generic trademarks, contact us here.